Rex "CRyan"


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In normal fashion, after taking a frustrating loss or a huge win, many ROOKIE coaches over-express their emotions. In McDaniels case, after beating your mentor in OT, you run, jump and point franticly at your family in the stands while screaming uncontrollably like a middle school girl who just found out her best friend has the same homeroom. Thats acceptable, and quite understandable, because we all feel that exuberant emotion after beating our big brother or Dad for the first time, at anything. I kind of like that fiery spirit and the players seem to love it but then there is the polar opposite reaction.
There is nothing worse than that kid that always used to wine and play the role of sore loser. It was that kid that called a foul every time he missed a shot; That kid who said "you got so lucky". Well that kid is Rex Ryan and he needs to grow up! I understand the frustration with being unable to stop a team, especially if your a defensive guru. I understand ranting and acting on shear emotion just minutes after your defense gets dominated by 2 young QB's and a self proclaimed "phony" wildcat offense. What I don't understand is how he can not just give credit where credit is due. Rex got out-coached and definitely out-classed! He said it was
 “embarrassing” and “ridiculous, just ridiculous.” He said it was “a horrendous day for the defense.
 And then he managed to talk trash for his defense saying that he couldn't wait and wouldn't feel better until he got to stop Miami next time they play. One day Rex, you will learn that you can not let your ego or your stomach get in your way! The man who said he solved the Wildcat with the Ravens better go check his formulas because the Phins seem to have his number.

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