Just Do(ing) it, right!


We all remember this hilarious commercial!

Well their Back!

As Bobby Bowden once famously said

He who gets the best players usually wins

.... So simple, yet there is no greater truth: and Nike is willing to dish out the bucks it takes to have an unprecedented lineup of the best players. Takes money to make money and the risk never stop if you want to stay on top. Just look at the endorsement starting lineup's: Lebron, Kobe, Dwyane vs. KG, Dwight and Derek Rose. You can talk stock price, supply chains, employee training and while they are all extremely important, what it all comes down to is, consumer awareness!

P.S. I wonder if these financial experts are still crying: Financial Experts Question Endorsements (Nike is just about at its highest stock price in over 4 years and yes endorsements are higher then ever! Simple regression equation would show the positive correlation btwn the two...)

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